Climate Alarmists Push New Narrative as Global Greening Spreads: ‘Save the Deserts’ – EVOL

A new climate alarmist narrative is emerging as the globalist anti-carbon agenda continues to unravel.

As Slay News has been reporting, globalists have been increasingly warning that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is allegedly causing global warming.

However, the agenda relies on people forgetting what high school biology classes teach about photosynthesis.

As we know, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air to create oxygen.

Because of this process, the world is “greening” and deserts are shrinking almost everywhere you look.

All due, it seems, to a natural rise in carbon “plant food” dioxide in addition to the small annual 4% portion contributed by humans burning hydrocarbons.

This greening is inconvenient to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) collectivist “Net Zero” agenda, however.

Along with rising numbers of polar bears, the cyclical recovery in Arctic sea ice, and the recent record growth of coral on the Great Barrier Reef, the “climate emergency” narrative is coming unstuck.

Naturally, there’s little mention of any of this in the corporate media.

One recent article from the left-wing Guardian claims that “Desertification is turning the Earth barren.”

The newspaper insists that the expansion of drylands is leaving entire countries “facing famine.”

However, the



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