Bill Gates Pushes for ‘Genetically Modified Insects’ in Human Food Supply – EVOL

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is pumping millions of dollars into efforts to flood the human food supply with hyper-processed products made from “genetically modified insects.”

Gates and his foundation have been investing in the development of the products while pressuring U.S. regulators to open up the floodgates for insect-based “foods” to be sold in American stores.

The plan is not new, however, as Gates has been pushing for bugs to be fed to Americans for over a decade.

In 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation a project called “All Things Bugs.”

According to Gates, the project sought to “develop a novel food product made from insects to treat malnutrition in children from famine-stricken areas of the world.”

Since then, the company has expanded into developing genetically modified insects.

The development of these products has been advanced with help from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).

Regulators in non-U.S. countries, including Singapore, have recently issued approvals for specific insect-based foods.

However, the regulatory landscape is more of a gray area in the U.S.

There is no legal approval process or clear-cut prohibition of insects for human consumption.

As a result, insect-containing foods have already infiltrated the American food supply.




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