Biden’s DOJ Imposed Gag Order on Immigration Judges to Shut Down Criticism of Massive Backlog of Cases – EVOL

Democrat President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a gag order to prevent immigration judges from voicing their criticisms about the massive backlog of illegal border crosser cases they are dealing with.

Under Biden’s open border policies, illegal immigration has exploded in America.

Immigration courts are now overwhelmed with a massive backlog of cases to adjudicate.

However, the American people won’t hear further complaints about that significant problem from the union that represents federal immigration judges.

That is because the National Association of Immigration Judges was recently subjected to an unprecedented gag order from Biden’s DOJ.

The order blocks the union from saying anything publicly without prior DOJ approval, ABC News reported.

The gag order was imposed on NAIJ leadership on Feb. 15 in a letter from Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty on behalf of the DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review, as revealed by the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, an umbrella organization of various unions of which the NAIJ is a part.

It was on March 5 that the IFPTE first revealed the gag order imposed on the NAIJ by Biden’s DOJ.

The Feb. 15 letter from Chief Immigration Judge McNulty was sent to NAIJ



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