ABC News Captures Glowing Orb In The Sky, No Idea What It Is – EVOL

Until recently, UFO sightings have been on par with Big Foot sightings…

Despite almost everyone in the developed world carrying high resolution smartphone cameras in their pockets, the videos were always grainy and hard to truly make out what we were seeing.

Until now.

Now we suddenly have two weeks (and growing) of multiple videos providing quite a clear video, and it’s not just amateurs out in a field somewhere claiming they got anal probed by “aliens”.

No, now it’s ABC News pointing their professional video equipment up at the sky.

A local New Jersey ABC News crew captured this floating orb on camera in Mendham Township.


Backup video here if needed:

Folks, understand this is not ABC News airing some video someone sent in to them….

This is ABC News shooting this themselves.

And it’s unlike



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